TSSPDCL JLM Syllabus 2023 and Exam Pattern PDF, Selection Process


TSSPDCL JLM Syllabus 2023 and Exam Pattern PDF: The TSSPDCL Junior Lineman Syllabus and Exam Pattern will be available in PDF format. To excel in the TSSPDCL Junior Lineman Written Exam, applicants are advised to check the syllabus and plan their preparation accordingly. By reviewing the syllabus and exam pattern, candidates can gain insight into the type of questions asked in the exam. The selection process for the TSSPDCL Junior Lineman position is to comprise two stages: a Written Test followed by a Pole Climbing Test. Familiarizing themselves with the TSSPDCL Junior Lineman Exam Pattern can increase candidates’ chances of achieving the desired result. Moreover, a thorough understanding of the TSSPDCL Junior Lineman Syllabus can help candidates focus on the topics outlined by the corporation and prepare better. For more information on the TSSPDCL Junior Lineman syllabus and exam pattern, continue reading this article. You can also find a list of preparation tips and recommended books on this page.

TSSPDCL JLM Syllabus 2023

The TSSPDCL Southern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Limited has recently announced the TSSPDCL Junior Lineman (JLM) Notification 2023, offering 1553 vacancies which are available on its official website. To provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject, the TSSPDCL Junior Lineman Syllabus is available in English on the website. Interested candidates can also download the TSSPDCL Lineman Syllabus 2023 pdf from the website or from the below sections. This article provides further information on the TSSPDCL Junior Lineman Exam Pattern and Syllabus.

TSSPDCL JLM Syllabus 2023 Overview

TSSPDCL JLM Syllabus & Pattern PDF
Organization Name Southern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Limited
Name of the Post Junior Lineman
Vacancies 1553
TSSPDCL JLM 2023 Exam Date 30th April 2023
Category Syllabus
Mode of Exam Computer Based Test
No. of Questions 80
Official website tssouthernpower.cgg.gov.in


TSSPDCL Junior Lineman Selection Process 2023

Applicants for the Junior Lineman position will have to undergo a written test as the first stage, after which the shortlisted candidates will take part in a pole test. The total marks for the examination are 100 with 80 marks assigned for the written test. Additionally, artisans and outsourcing staff working in TSTRANSCO/ TSSPDCL/ TSNPDCL as of the notification date are eligible for up to 20 marks based on their relevant experience and qualifications in the written test.

TSSPDCL JLM 2023 Exam Pattern

The TSSPDCL Junior Lineman Written Exam comprises 80 multiple-choice questions, each carrying one mark, for a total of 80 marks. Section A will include 65 questions on core ITI topics, while Section B will have 15 questions on General Knowledge. The written test will last for 2 hours or 120 minutes and will only be available in English and Telugu languages. There will be no interview process for this position.

Subject Type Max. Questions Max. Marks Medium Duration
ITI (Electrical Trade) Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions 65 65 English & Telugu 120 mins.
General Knowledge 15 15
Total 80 80 120 mins.

TSSPDCL JLM Minimum qualifying marks

Check below the minimum qualifying marks in TSSPDCL Junior Lineman Written Exam.

Category Qualifying Marks
OC 40%
BC 35%
SC/ ST 30%

TSSPDCL Junior Lineman Pole Test

Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria will be invited to take the Pole Climbing Test in a 1: 2 ratio, following the reservation rule. It is important to note that only candidates who qualify for the Pole Climbing Test and are in the selection zone of the advertised vacancies will be considered for the post of JLM. Candidates are required to attend the Pole Climbing Test at their own expense, and the TSSPDCL will not be held responsible for any injuries sustained during the test.

TSSPDCL JLM Weightage Marks for Experience candidates

The weightage marks for the written test will be determined by the length of service rendered by the Contractual/ Outsourcing Worker in Power Utilities, with 1 mark being awarded for every half-year or 180 days of continuous service. However, any discontinuation or interruption of service for a period of 180 days or more will be considered fresh from the date of resumption. Candidates who have served for less than six months will not be eligible for weightage. The period of service will be calculated from the date of first joining the power utilities until the date of notification. To qualify for weightage marks, candidates must have relevant job experience, with only those who have served in positions equivalent to JLM or above is eligible. Artisans who have worked as contract laborers will be eligible for weightage marks based on their combined service experience.

TSSPDCL Junior Lineman Syllabus 2023

The TSSPDCL Junior Lineman Written Test holds a weightage of 80 marks. The Paper A section includes 65 questions on the core technical subject ITI (Electrical Trade), while Paper B includes 15 questions on General Awareness, Numerical Ability, and the History of Telangana Culture & Movement. The syllabus for both Paper A and Paper B is briefly outlined below.

TSSPDCL JLM PAPER A: I.T.I (Electrical Trade) Syllabus: 65 Marks

  • Fundamentals of electricity: Electrical occupational safety, tools, Ohms law, Kirchoffs law, series, parallel, Kirchoffs law and star delta, problems – Electrostatics and capacitors. Earthing principles and methods of earthing.
  • Batteries: primary and secondary, lead acid cells, methods of charging – testing and application of batteries, invertors, battery chargers and maintenance
  • Magnetism: Magnetic materials and properties – laws of magnetism –electromagnetism, electromagnetic induction
  • Fundamentals of AC: Simple problems of AC fundamentals, power, power factor, single phase and three phase circuits
  • Basic Electronics: Electronic components, rectifiers, amplifiers, oscillators and power electronic components
  • DC Machines: construction, working principle and simple problems on DC generators and motors, speed control and applications of DC motors – windings
  • Transformers: construction, working principle, basic concepts and simple problems on transformers – windings – auto transformers, power transformers, CT & PT
  • AC Machines: basic concepts, construction principle and simple problems on three phase and single-phase induction motor, universal motor, alternators, synchronous motors and their applications and windings – the concept of power electronic drives
  • Electrical measurements: Different types of AC and DC measuring instruments, Domestic appliances, and Illumination concepts – types of electric lamps
  • Electric Power Generation: Thermal, hydal and nuclear, transmission and distribution system – basic concepts, non-conventional energy sources


  • Analytical and Numerical Ability.
  • Current affairs.
  • Consumer Relations.
  • General Science in everyday life.
  • Environmental Issues and Disaster Management
  • History, Geography, and Economy of India and Telangana.
  • History of Telangana and Telangana Movement.
  • Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts, and Literature of Telangana

TSSPDCL JLM Exam Syllabus 2023 PDF Download Link

TSSPDCL JLM Syllabus 2023 – Important Links
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TSSPDCL JLM Exam Syllabus 2023 FAQ

What is the TSSPDCL Junior Lineman Selection Process?

The TSSPDCL Junior Lineman Selection Process consists of two stages: a Written Test followed by a Pole Climbing Test round.

What is the total duration of the TSSPDCL Junior Lineman Written Test?

The TSSPDCL Junior Lineman Written Test has a duration of 2 hours (120 minutes).

What is the weightage given to artisan and outsourcing staff engaged by societies?

A weightage of up to a maximum of 20 marks will be given to artisans and outsourcing staff engaged by societies who are qualified in relevant experience and written tests.

What is the syllabus for Paper A in the TSSPDCL Junior Lineman Written Test?

The syllabus for Paper A includes 65 questions on the core technical subject ITI (Electrical Trade).